Happy 2015! After an inexcusable absence, I’m back with some new photos! I’ve been working like a maniac lately (370+ hours in December of straight working conditions!) and trying to get all my ducks in a row to open a photography studio here in the Seattle, WA area. I just got back from a solo winter “mental break” blitzkrieg trip through Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho to clear my head and now I’m back to double-down at what I do best.
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Red-shouldered Hawk
The red-shouldered hawk is one of the most common birds of prey in the Florida Everglades. This one was seen perched in a bald cypress tree while feeding on one of Florida’s native panfish species.
Ruddy Turnstone
An adult male ruddy turnstone is almost in complete breeding plumage on the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico in Carrabelle, Florida on a windy overcast April afternoon.
Indian Blanketflower
A brilliantly colored Indian blanketflower unfurls on a warm, bright spring morning on Florida’s Sanibel Island.
Fragrant Waterlily
The St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge on the Florida Panhandle is a sanctuary for a very delicate ecosystem comprised of freshwater ponds and rivers, salt marsh and a large portion of the Gulf of Mexico coast. Just above the brackish water region, thousands of these fragrant waterlilies can be found in full bloom, all at the same time!
Leafy Bladderwort
A free-floating leafy bladderwort in flower as it floats in the swampy water of the St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge on the Florida Panhandle. This interesting carnivorous plant has tiny sensitive traps in its root-like strictures that capture tiny invertebrates as they seek shelter that it will ingest as a food source.
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