My Photo was Picked for the 2011 National Audubon Society Calendar!!!!!!!

by | Jan 28, 2011

I realize this post is VERY late in getting out, but due to our oldest son starting preschool this year and bringing home the plague, I’ve been suffering for most of the winter with a whole host of kiddie germs and hadn’t had the time to post this until right now. Then I wanted to wait until I got my copy of the calendar so I could take a photo of it and include the original image.

I have the great honor to announce that my whooping crane photograph taken in 2008 in Central Florida was selected to be in the 2011 National Audubon Society calendar! The representative I spoke with on the phone said hundreds of thousands of photos were looked at, and mine was one of the sixteen selected for the sixteen calendar months. I got July! 500,000 copies were made and that means my photo and name (in the photo credit) will be seen by potentially half a million people for a whole month! Suddenly all the years of hard work and struggling through a tough recession are paying off, and most of the credit goes to our followers here at Leighton Photography & Imaging/ for all your unremitting input, encouragement and friendship – without you, none of this would be possible! A HUGE thank you to everyone!



2011 National Audubon Society Calendar (cover)

Whooping Crane

Original Uncropped Image – Whooping Crane (Central Florida, 2008)

~click to enlarge ~



  1. jacquee

    Congratulations Rich! So much deserved for all the work you do with nature.

  2. Barb Holmes

    Congratulations, Rich!

    You deserve this recognition. Your photos are always fabulous.

    A friend of your Mom’s,

    Barb Holmes

  3. Anita Fayart

    Wow, I am impressed, such clarity and colors, just beautiful.
    Congratulations… keep it up; you have the eye and the camera.
    Blessings. Anita

  4. Lynn Reno

    Re the Audubon Society Calendar… What a great honor…and a tribute to your skills and perseverence! I’m so glad you are getting the recognistion you deserve.

    Lynn Reno

  5. Jen Bacon

    Hey, Rich! Congrats on this well deserved and long awaited honor! You truly are an inspiration to us all to pursue our dreams. Well done and again, congratulations!!!

  6. Rich Leighton

    Thank you very much Jacquee, Barbara x2, Sue, Jen, Anita and Lynn!!!! And thank you for all your support over the years 🙂 You keep looking, I’ll keep cranking photos and blogs out 🙂

  7. Tonya Banchetto

    That is awesome! I thought it was pretty cool that 2 of my photos won a morning news photo contest and were shown to all who view that morning news show…but yours totally trumps mine…lol. Gorgeous picture.

  8. Peter

    congrats! you deserve it!!



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