Upcoming Workshops:

Unfortunately due to Covid-19, all workshops and wildlife tours are suspended until at least Fall 2021.

Personalized or Group Workshops

I offer several types of wildlife tours including landscape photography, birding, wildflower hikes and can easily put together custom one-on-one photo walks. In the meantime, if you are interested, use the button below the egret photo to the right so I can but you on the notification list when I start tours and workshops again, and also let me know your main interests and I can easily focus more on those interest for new outings, workshops and presentations, or you can contact me at any time.

Upcoming: Everglades National Park – Date TBD

Planning stages are ongoing right now for a Everglades National Park with the International Landscape Photographer’s Association that will run about three days and feature presentations by many pro photographers, master naturalists who will offer several photography trips in the area led by experts based on subject matter and location. If you are a landscape or wildlife photographer, this is for you! Once some of the Covid restrictions are loosened and we get everything organized, we will pin down a date and let everyone know. The last one in Banff National Park in Alberta, Canada was a blast!

If interested, please use the “Sign Up Here to be Notified of Upcoming Workshops” link below to get on the information list and we’ll let you know when a date becomes available.


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