by Rich Leighton | May 20, 2021 | Birds, Florida Nature Facts, Florida Nature Photography, Natural History, Nature & Wildlife
The endangered and endemic Florida scrub jay is a cooperative breeder. When the offspring leave the nest, they stay with their parents and help them raise next year’s brood instead of going off to raise young on their own. VISIT THE BIRDS GALLERY MORE FLORIDA...
by Rich Leighton | Nov 12, 2020 | Florida Nature Facts, Florida Nature Photography, Insects, Interesting Nature Facts, Invertebrates, Natural History, Nature & Wildlife
While bees are the current darlings of the invertebrate world, drone flies deserve a lot of credit as well. Not only do these cousins to mosquitoes, houseflies and horseflies live in almost complete obscurity in the public eye, these bee-mimicking insects play an...
by Rich Leighton | Nov 7, 2020 | Birds, Florida Nature Facts, Florida Nature Photography, Interesting Nature Facts, Natural History, Nature & Wildlife
The Eastern kingbird mostly eats flying insects during the summer in North America and maintains a breeding territory that it defends vigorously against all other kingbirds. In the winter along the Amazon, however, it has a completely different lifestyle: it travels...
by Rich Leighton | Oct 20, 2020 | Dragonflies, Florida Nature Facts, Florida Nature Photography, Insects, Invertebrates, Natural History, Nature & Wildlife
Roughly 300 million years ago, dragonflies were among the first insects to take to the air. While modern dragonflies have wingspans of only two to five inches, fossilized dragonflies show that they once had wingspans of nearly two feet! VISIT THE DRAGONFLIES GALLERY...
by Rich Leighton | Oct 15, 2020 | Butterflies, Florida Nature Facts, Florida Nature Photography, Insects, Invertebrates, Natural History, Nature & Wildlife
Monarch butterflies use thermals (updrafts of sun-warmed air) to help them ride air currents as they migrate across the United States to Mexico and back. MORE PHOTOS OF FLORIDA BUTTERFLIES MORE FLORIDA NATURE FACTS Florida Nature Facts is a new series of nature photos...
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